Changes to my study programme

Water is the future

The curriculum of our career is lacking in a lot of aspects, especially in some that are really important for our development as professionals and that could improve a lot our value as workers.

One of them is a subject that was long ago an important part of our curriculum, this is hidrology, the study of water and all things around it.

I consider that this subject as a vital part of our formation, more now given the present state of water availability in the world due to climate change. Also water is irreplaceable in most of the industry present here in Chile and around the world. Becouse this reasons I think that hidrology should be part of our curriculum.

Also to be more specific I think that this part of the curriculum should have one obligatory subjet  for semester the last two years of the career, this subjects should be, hidrology, basin management, hydrogeology and water management. All of this linked with the current study of the climate change, the environment conservation and the development of an ecofriendly industry. The management of water is vital for the future of our world, our career (forestal engineering) is orientated to an industry that is one of the bigger users of water in our country, for this is also important that we have this knowledge. This would need dedicated bouidings with laboratories of hydraulic process, geochemistry and others. This subjects should have an important load of laboratory and field work.


  1. I agree with you, it is a very important resource and we should know how to manage and use it sustainably.

  2. Hi, i wish i had that subject, its really important for the world and definetly we should study it again. Thx for sharing.

  3. Yes!!! I agree that it is an obligation to study Hydrology

  4. Particularly in the context of the current drought in the country, there is a great need to


  5. Hello, like you, I think it is very true that the subject of hydrology is very vital in our career and it is a great lack and sadness that it is not part of the mesh subjects.


  6. I believe that hydrology should be a compulsory subject in the curriculum.

  7. Hi, I agree with the points you address, hydrology is a super important knowledge for our career!

  8. you're right Danny, understand about water is important for the ecosistems


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