Time travel to the future



Well, today I’m going to write about the future, specifically where I would like to be and go. It is known that our imagination about the future can go wild, especially with all the fiction in things like books, movies, or series, that in his majority agree that in like 500 or more years we should be able to travel to the stars, other systems and even get to know other sentient beings and wildlife in the galaxy.

I would like to be there, in that time 500 years in the future, where I can explore new planets with different beings and environments, catch the sensation of discovery every time that I move through space, be in a group of explorers of unknown lands and planets, describing new wildlife unique to a recently discovered planet. This could be even better if I could live a prolonged life due to the new technology of the time, I even imagine that life expectancy of humanity will increase to new heights like 120 or more years of a good life. I would really like to stay there to have that sense of discovery and adventure for the rest of my life. Obviously, this could be possible only if humanity prospers and defeats the climate change or is quick enough to discover space travel before our extinction.



  1. I also hope that we achieve it before we become extinct uu''

  2. It is difficult to imagine what life will be like in 500 years. I imagine something similar to the movies hahaha.

  3. I believe that you can travel to other planets and that contact with other beings is already there and for a long time, but I agree that it will become known en masse to be able to move freely in the universe. Regards


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