The Best Field Trip EverThe Best Field Trip Ever


When do you went to the field trip? For which class it was? Where did you go? Why do you went there? What things did you learn there?


Viña del Mar Botanic Garden

In our first year as forest engineering students, we went to a field trip with our Biotics class to the beautiful city of Viña del Mar, also known as “Viña” or “Garden City”. We weren’t there for any reason, we were there because in Viña is located one of the most complete and amazing botanic gardens of all the country.

The Botanic Garden of Viña del Mar is home of a diverse number of plant species, for that reason we went there, to learn to recognize different kind of species and get to know new ones. Our assignment was simple, get a group of five random people, recognize different kind of plant taxon’s, and deliver this to the teacher. The beauty of the trip was in the new and fascinating plants that we studied and see, like for example the Toromiro (Sophora toromiro), a plant so rare that is extinct in nature, only preserved in places like this garden where there are set specific climatic conditions, in controlled environments, to emulate his native life conditions, in this case Isla de Pascua where this plant lived before extinction. This is only one example of lots of beautiful plants that are safeguarded in this botanic garden, where they can be preserved for posterity and can be studied in detail by scientist and enthusiasts.



  1. I remember that trip to the country. It was very beautiful and I learned a lot. I noticed more differences related to the forests that exist

  2. you got to see the jubaeba chilensis that are in the entrance? they´re almost exticts too :(

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. that time, visiting the greenhouse of the garden was funny, I was crazy seeing all that plants of other latitudes!

  5. I remember when we went on that field trip.
    It was amazing.

  6. ohh I had almost forgotten that precious place o:


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