Ladera Sur: the best website for nature lovers

"Ladera Sur" is a website that publish information related to nature, sustentabiliy, the enviroment, conservation, sciencies, among other topics.

Its conformed by a network of experts from latinamerica and the rest of the world, presenting colaborations with NGO and  private companys.

Some of the section are: "Artículos" about nature, the enviroment and culture; "Destinos" that share tourist recommendations; "Está pasando" where they upload news, interviews and reports of the actuality.


I visit the website regularly, all days if a have the time.

I like this site because it shares really interesting and  diverese  content with diferent points of view. And I also love it because it has a cute design and is very easy to navegate.  The sections of the website that i am more interested in are: photographs, news and articles about  flora and fauna of south america. For example the other day  i read about wildcats in chile and  i found the information there really useful and interesting.


 The address to this website is:

 i recommend it to all of you! 💚


  1. I also follow them! I love their documentaries

  2. Hi Danny I I just made the blog with the same website indirectly, t must be because it is very good

  3. I love that page !! they have very good content

  4. Hi, I really liked the website. The content is very interesting.

  5. I also follow that page too! it's very cool :)


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