I took this photo on a small island located on lake Calafquen in the Los Rios región. In the photo you can see Lake Calafquen, a small dock, trees and two kayak (my cousin's and mine). I took the photo in november 2020, in a travel with my family, that was because we needed some rest from the pandemic and it turn out to be a really fun vacation dispite of it

The photo I like it because brings me very nice memories of those days, I remember that with my cousin Carla we went a lot  kayaking on the lake, and to get to the island we paddle about two hours approximately, We almost died of exhaustion, but when we got to the place we were really amazed for its beauty. In the island we could see various types of birds, trees, lizards and many orchid flowers.

It was definitely an incredible vacation and I hope to repeat it.


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