
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021


ANIMALS AND PETS I like pets a lot, because they give so much unconditional love and make great company to their masters, but  they demand of a lot responsibility from us. When I was fourteen at Christmas, my mom gifted me my first and only pet. His name is Llugui, it's a small puddle, is naughty and it likes to play all day. For the time being, i wouldn’t like to have other pets, It is enough for me with Llugui, but in the future if I have my own house and   a job, i'd like to have a lot of dogs, I could have cats also, but i'm allergic.😢 The best pets are definitely dogs, because they are really loyal, loving and amusing. If I could become an animal I would like to be an elefant, becouse they live in communities, are really smart and are one of the biggest animals in the world.


  One of my favourite devices is my Photographic camera. A couple years ago I wanted a camera to photograph wild plants and animals, so last year's christmas my daddy gifted me one, and that  made me very happy. Unfortunately due to the pandemic I have not been able to go out much to photograph wild life,  but i used it a lot on my  summer  holidays  in the  Atacama region, where i took pictures of cactus and wild animals like guanacos, foxes, iguanas, lizards, among other species.  Sometimes  when I get bored i  take pictures of my dog and garden. I love  my camera because it allows me to capture moments of things that i really enjoy , like wild life , and share them in my social media for  my friends and  family  . Sharing this pictures also educate about chilean Flora and fauna.  I suppose my life without my camera  would'nt be so different but definetly more boring.

My decision about my studies

When i was a child i dreamed of being teacher and vet, because i liked to think about being able to teach and also i really loved animals. After finishing school i had differents carrers options in mind at the same time, i used to be really passionate about a lot of things, one of my passions was chemistry, that's why i finally decided to study chemistry in the university of chile. But after the first semester i realized that my greatest passion was nature, what triggered my decision to study forest engineering was my love about cactus and being around forests. So far my experience has been positive, what I enjoy the most are subjects of biology and practices. I would like to find a job far away from the city and dedicate myself to the conservation of nature.