
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

My Autobiography

  Who am i? Hi, my name is Danniela Espinoza, I was born in San Ramón, Chile on September 24, 1999.  I Grew up in Puente Alto. Until i was 5 years old i went to a speech terapy school called Gabriela Mistral. Then i assisted to the school Nuestra señora de las Mercedes,   where i met my best friend Yasna eleven years ago. And then i continued my studies at tupahue high school. Since i was a little girl i have been facinated by trees and because of that i decided to study forestal engineering at universidad de chile My family is small and wonderful, i am an only child and i have a dog called Llugui. My favorite hobby is  trekking mountains and hills, and travel to national parks in Chile. other activities that i really enjoy  are watching movies, riding my bike,  and going out with my friends and family.